Worship on the Lord’s Day is central to the life of the church. Our worship is Christ-centered and Word-centered. There is an emphasis on the reading, preaching, and responding to God’s Word. Our worship is reverential and joyful, with robust singing of psalms and hymns.
Paul describes the church as a family (Eph. 2:19). As a family, we are part of each other’s lives, and although there are just over 200 members, we have that close family feel.
There are various ways in which we are part of one another’s lives in addition to worshiping together. On the first and third Sundays there are fellowship meals after morning worship (pictured at the foot of the page). Young adults meet monthly after evening worship for discussion and fellowship.
On second and fourth Wednesdays from 7 to 8pm we meet to pray. Childcare is provided. Other Wednesdays are kept free to encourage hospitality.
Every other Thursday at 10am there is a ladies’ book study. Men aim to meet for fellowship monthly.
We seek to reach out to others with the Gospel. Terrific Tuesday is a ministry to neighborhood children. Some from the congregation go weekly to promote life at the abortion clinic in Bristol. Occasionally we offer an evangelistic course called Christianity Explored.
As well as ministering to one another (meal-trains, baby showers etc.), there are various events that take place throughout the year: our Spring and Fall conferences; the BWSC conference; picnics and quiz nights and hikes (pictured above), men’s golf, basketball, ladies’ social evenings, etc. We also have a church softball team that participates in a local church league.
Westminster Presbyterian Church was established in 1973 by a group of believers who desired to have a congregation that believed in the inerrancy and authority of the bible, a pulpit devoted to preaching the whole counsel of God, and a congregation devoted to serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
Soon thereafter, Westminster became a member church in the newly formed Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Its initial pastor was Pete Hurst. In 1982 Pastor Brent Bradley became Senior Pastor and served for 38 years. Pastor Steven Warhurst became Associate Pastor in 2002, and Pastor Rob Dykes arrived in 2021.
You can watch a 5 minute video where Pastor Brent Bradley provides a history of Westminster.
Westminster is a church that believes the bible proclaims a message of good news in Jesus Christ! The bible is the inspired Word of God, the truths of which were rediscovered at the Reformation. We believe an excellent summary of what the bible teaches is the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism.
Westminster is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.
It is important that godly men shepherd the flock. See our Ruling Elders and Deacons. There are also two pastors:
Pastor Warhurst has served at Westminster since 2002. He has been married to his wife Susan since 1992. They have eight children and live on a four acre homestead. Steven loves to teach the Bible and the Great Books of Western Civilization. He enjoys reading, chopping firewood, and hunting. When he grows up he wants to be a cattle farmer.
We are eager to support the training of men for the ministry. We also want to be a people who go to the nations as Jesus Christ taught in the Great Commission. This is why we prize supporting seminaries and missionaries in the USA and throughout the world.